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lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2014

Navidad dulce Navidad... y año nuevo!!

Ya llegó la Navidad... esta época de luces, frío, ¿nieve? no, nieve no porque solo nevó en una ocasión y ya era enero... souvenirs brillantes y en la que se montan arboles y belenes. Tampoco faltan los cenizos que se quejan de falsedad y consumismo que son a su vez los mas falsos y consumistas, poco a poco se convierten en un elemento mas de esta época. 
Este articulo es en realidad una reflexión sobre esta época y una felicitación improvisada mientras escribo, me dicen Navidad y recuerdo la ventana abierta de la cocina para que Papa Noel entrase, los regalos debajo del árbol, vestirnos de pastorcillos para ir al colegio el día de vacaciones, los capítulos navideños de Farmacia de Guardia, la velada de Navidad en el teatro del colegio, pedir el aguinaldo y conseguir 1000 pesetas ¡que buen año aquel!

Y una lista casi interminable de cosas. ¿cuales son vuestros recuerdos navideños?

Feliz Navidad y Feliz 2015. 

sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2014

La vida en Alemania

Llevo ya casi dos meses en Alemania, sin casi, exactamente dos meses, quedan otros dos para fin de año, y han pasado dos semanas de mi cumpleaños... sobrevivo, así que imagino que el numero dos es el que tendré que jugar a la lotería próximamente. Cosa que he estado pensando seriamente este año. Tentar a la buena suerte.

En estos dos meses me han marcado varias cosas:
- Lo que tu creas que es mejor, es que es mejor. 
- Somos un país acomplejado. No nos sabemos vender. *
- ¿Por que las escaleras mecánicas tienen que cambiar de dirección?
- Aquí no hay prisa... 
- Y un largo etc.

Próximamente iré actualizando con cosas nuevas sobre este país llamado el motor de Europa, mientras tanto os invito a que me contéis las cosas que os gustan de por aquí o las que creer que son espectaculares, podréis quedar especialmente sorprendidos. 

domingo, 3 de agosto de 2014

La isla de las cobras.

Siempre hablo de lugares bellos donde recomiendo ir, así que ahora voy a hacer una excepción y hablaré de un lugar donde NO debemos ir. No es feo, de hecho el paraje es espectacular a orillas del Océano Atlántico, pero no debemos ir porque de ahí nadie sale vivo, el lugar se llama Ilha da Queimada Grande en Brasil y se caracteriza por la alta población de serpientes que hay en ella. Especialmente de cobras, una cobra por metro cuadrado. 

Las cobras que hay en esta isla son altamente venenosas y solo comen una o dos veces por año, cosa de la selección natural, ya que como se comen todo lo que pasa por la isla solo quedan ellas, y su banquete anual trata de alguna inocente ave migratoria.

Hace años esta isla estaba habitada aunque solo por un equipo de fareros y su familia, esto fue en 1920, hoy en día el faro sigue ahí funcionando pero de forma automatizada, ya que es altamente peligroso que alguien habite allí. 

El acceso a esta isla esta totalmente prohibido por las autoridades brasileñas y solo permiten la entrada a científicos autorizados y autoridades, seguramente con un traje especial.

¿A quien mandaríais de vacaciones a esta isla? 

viernes, 25 de julio de 2014

Un día en los Széchenyi

Está un poco lejos, pero a tan solo 3h de avión... Ahora que ha llegado el veranito apetece hablar de algo refrescante, especialmente para los que lo pasamos lejos de la costa o de sitios propiamente veraniegos (de ahí mi ausencia en el blog las ultimas semanas), pero incluso en uno de esos sitios hay grandes termas y balnearios para hacer ameno y fresco un día caluroso.
En Budapest se encuentran las termas Szechenyi, unas piscinas termales bastante grandes, tanto exteriores como interiores y con diferentes temperaturas. Para verano es más recomendable usar las exteriores, y para invierno... en esa época cualquiera vale!

El precio ronda los 12€ pero no incluye toalla en caso de que la alquiles, aunque sí una caja fuerte para guardar tus pertenencias y una cabina para cambiarte de ropa.

Lo mejor en mi opinión son las piscinas exteriores: una de natación, otra caliente a 38º y otra a unos 30º, la más agradable de todas con atracciones y chorros, un remolino, tableros de ajedrez y escaleras para tumbarte.

La zona interior está algo descuidada y muy antigua, me recuerda un poco a los hospitales del siglo XIX ya que la estética de la estancia es de ese estilo, tiene jacuzzis,piscinas de agua fría y caliente y decoración de azulejo típico de la antigüedad.  

viernes, 13 de junio de 2014

XXIII Maratón de cuentos en Guadalajara.

Los días 13 14 y 15 de Junio de 2014 se celebra en Guadalajara el maratón de cuentos tradicional de principio de verano. En él hay cuentos a todas horas durante dos  días, cuentos al revés, cuentos en otros idiomas, cuentos largos, cuentos cortos, teatros y mucho más.
En un escenario privilegiado: el Palacio del Infantado. El cuento viajero pasará por otros puntos de la ciudad. Aquí el programa de este año:

Programación del XXIII maratón de cuentos.

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

10 Wonderful places in Spain.

An old empire, nowadays a country in southwest Europe, Spain is full of hidden gems ready to be discovered and visited by new tourists, although it is a relatively small country, if we compare with others around the world, it is the third in size in Europe, its lands offer us lots of landscapes, beaches, deserts and many other treasures! I have visited many of them. In the following article I will tell you some of the most impressive.

1. Mezquita de Córdoba. Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba.

An old building dating from the year 780 and unique in the whole world, it was previously built as a Mosque before becoming a Catholic temple. This building is now a Mosque and a Cathedral at the same time; architecturally speaking (the catholic temple is literally inside the mosque), although now it belongs to the Catholic Church since 1236. The use of the Mosque for Muslims to pray is totally forbidden.  
The Mosque Cathedral is in my opinion the best sign of the rich multicultural past that southern Spain has along the years, this one from the Arabic times. I visited it in 2013.
The most characteristic feature apart from its square plant, are the arches  decorated with dark red stripes. Don't forget to see the amazing gardens and the surrounding areas!

2. Playa de las Catedrales.  As Catedrais beach.

Also known as Playa de Aguas Santas this beach is a gem in northern Spain. Although the waters are not blue and the sand is not especially white like the typical beaches we can see in the postcards, this beach is my favorite due to the result of the nature against the rocks and the cliffs.
In the town of Ribadeo and surrounded by the Cantabrian sea, this beach has wonderful rock formations such as steep rocks. Perfect place to take pictures and walk on the beach only during the low tide, otherwise it can be dangerous, but do not worry, locals can inform you very well about the best time you can visit it.Awesome place except for swimming. 
Visited by me in 2008.

3. Palacio del Infantado. Infantado Palace.

I have seen this Palace almost every single day in my entire life, and I am never tired of it; always discovering new details on its walls, another unique building and extremely underrated in our country. Located in Guadalajara (the one in Spain, the first and original one) This Palace has a special architectonic style called Isabelline Gothic. The walls are decorated with small pyramids and Arab details. One of the most important events that has taken place here was the wedding of Philip II with Isabel de Valois in 1559.
The palace includes gardens with a maze used in summer for musical performances and the awesome Patio de los leones, free entrance and public local library until the year 2004, nowadays is the local museum. 
Every June takes place the famous Maratón de cuentos, 48 hours of non stop tale telling.

4. Catedral de Burgos. Burgos Cathedral.

Another religious building, whether you are religious or not, this is a sign of the strong Catholic faith along the History in the country. This awesome building is in my opinion the best sign of Gothic art in Spain.  Built in 1221, this cathedral is a must if you visit the old city of Burgos, and do not forget of course to walk around the building. Several restaurants are waiting for you in the surrounding area.
Two endearing characters live inside this Cathedral, specifically in the bell-clock: El Papamoscas and El Martinillo. Relax and look carefully at the stained glasses. You can look at this building while wondering How the hell could they make this wonderful building without modern technologies? History is History.
My first visit was in 2002, last one in 2014.

5. Parque Guell. Barcelona.  Güell Park. Barcelona.

The most original and different park in Spain and probably in the whole European continent, located in Barcelona this place is well known all around the world due to its designer; the architect Antoni Gaudí, this park not only contains green areas, trees and sand grounds, the colorful mosaics give the park Guell an special identity, not only decorative sculptures (the salamander, etc) but also ceilings. The best of it? The colors, the big serpentine bench and the awesome sights of the city of Barcelona from the top part.
Visited in 2001.

6. Monasterio de Piedra. Piedra Monastery.

This place is near Zaragoza. The name of this famous park comes from the Monastery where the monks lived and made chocolate years ago, but nowadays this natural park is well known because of the waterfalls and the amazing lakes. The waters come from the river Piedra, which means stone or rock, so that the park has this name. This place has been a recurrent place for Honeymoons during the 60's in Spain.
The best of the place: birds of prey exhibition, the waterfall cola de caballo (ponytail) due it its shape and hight, and el lago del espejo "mirror lake" with awesome crystal clear water.
First visit in 1994 and last one in 2013.

7. Royal Palace. Palacio de Oriente. Madrid.

Also known is Palacio de Oriente. This is another underrated building from my point of view, perhaps because anybody who lives on it, this palace is usually unperceived. The Royal Palace is located in Madrid, next to the Cathedral and surrounded by big gardens with ponds. One can make guided visit indoor. The outdoor contains a big level of beauty, walls and courtyard have an elegant style. The style is Baroque and it was built between the years 1738 and 1892.
Tourists can find the Royal Theatre just 100 meters away and many tapas bars in Madrid downtown.

8. Teide. Tenerife Island.

This natural place is a mountain located in the Canary Islands, but the volcano is in the island of Tenerife, near the African coast but belonging to Spain, Teide is alive, it actually had its last eruption in 1909, the highest point is the peak with 3718 meters which is as well the highest point in the country, and makes the island being the tenth highest in the world. The volcano is located inside a National Park. Walking up to the peak is not permitted anymore, but one can look at the wonderful volcano from the cable car.  The film clash of the Titans was played here. I visited it in 1990, I think it’s time to come back.

9. Cuevas del Drach. Drach caves, Majorca.

From one island to another, this time in the Mediterranean, the Drach caves are located in the biggest islands of the country: Mallorca. These caves are really big and contain groundwaters, the Martel Lake. During the guided visit the wall of the cave are illuminated with many colors, what makes the visit really magical. Violin concerts are offered during the guided visit every day and people can sail in the little boats as well.
Near these caves you can find Hams caves, less famous but smaller and a little bit more beautiful.

10 .Acueducto de Segovia. Aqueduct of Segovia.

From Roman times, this aqueduct is now one of the most famous monuments in Castille, it is 28 meters high and more than 800 meters long, there are two rows of arches made by bricks of stone, and the stone bricks are not linked with any kind of cement. The purpose of this monument was to provide water to the town of Segovia from the river Frío, and not to be written into the History, but the aqueduct was lucky.
The great symbol of this awesome town, were you can also taste wonderful gastronomy.

sábado, 17 de mayo de 2014

Friends in the distance.

The concept "circle of friends" nowadays can't be just a physical circle of people who live in our town, who study in the same university as we do, or our neighbors, with the help of technologies, the estado de bienestar in the 20th Century and the adventurous feeling some of us have, we need to explore the world and its people and we can live wonderful experiences with new people, even in the previous day we were thousands of kilometers from each other.
I have met a lot of wonderful people during my vacations, trips, job contracts and more several events that I've done in the last years.
In this article, I would like to dedicate some lines to some of my friends who live abroad, the ones who wanted something nice via Facebook and clicked like to this, let's start with some of them.
The following ones were volunteers as they clicked like bravely in a Facebook link about a future surprise:

Merve Gonce, Turkey.
I met Merve last year in winter 2013, she is from Izmir (Turkey) and she was studying an erasmus scholarship of Engineering for four or five months near my town. One day we met for a coffee, drink, tapas and a walk... But this was not a coincidence as I am not a student any more, I knew about Merve because we have a mutual friend in Turkey, she informed me that her roommate was going to live in Spain for some months, and here she was. We met just a few times, for walking or shopping but we had really good time and shared some photographs.
I remember our visits and the tapas in the typical tapas bar around the town. Not less important the shopping day.

Lindsey Jackson, Florida .USA.
Three years ago  I met Lindsey, it was on a cruise ship around the Caribbean. Lindsey and her family were our table-mates during the whole week, I love when people try to socialize and that is exactly what Lindsey did. Hello I am Lindsey from Florida she said, and that was the beginning of a nice friendship. We spent an unforgettable week on board the biggest cruise in the world, surfing in flowrider, swimming, eating pizza and climbing the rockwall everyday in a new and different country and making new memories.
We have been in touch these years via internet and it seems that we will meet soon personally and live new adventures. I hope it comes true :)

Vitor Mendonça. Madeira. Portugal.
My touristic guide online via couchsurfing and my waiter in a delicious Italian restaurant in Funchal, all those things together. I met Vitor in a tourism website about Madeira Islands when I was planning my holiday, that island is where he lives, he is a proud Madeirense and he never hesitated to help me with a lot of information. One day I had the pleasure to have a dinner in the restaurant where he works near the Ocean, a very good choice for a dinner and awesome rices were served there.
I hope some day soon you come to visit around!

Mafalda Mascarenhas.Lisbon. Portugal
It was my first project of volunteering abroad when I met Mafalda in August 2012, next to Lisbon, this program was called the art at school and consisted in remodelating a school for little children and preparing activities for them. The very first day, I remember her a happy and talkative girl always giving new ideas to have fun and to help others in the area, and she was very committed with her work, we spend three weeks together in the Lisbon coast, working together in a school for children, surfing in Guincho beach and enjoying summer life without forgetting our purpose, that purpose was living an unforgettable experience with 20 more people.

Lyndi Burns, Utah. USA
I met Lyndi through instagram app, I usually filter pics by #hashtags and it is not very usual that someone who is from another continent is interested in my town, so I asked her about this interest and she told me that she was going to be au pair in my area. That was awesome, we had some chats and conversation before meeting, but the first time we saw each other was really funny: we came across each other in the mall. Although we couldn't spend more time together that morning was very nice, shopping for new clothes. She is friendly and her smile never disappears. I hope we can meet again in a future!!